"Inside the heart of the fallen...
Rend is an expansive modern fantasy horror multimedia world building project. All stories are set in the Seguir Archipelago with the first storyline in the main island's capital city Rawking.
...magic sprawls out...
Rawking is a city with ghosts in it's blood, haunting the living with a vengence so deep it tears into existence itself to build a bridge between sister plains.
...webbed, searching, yearning."
A city of bitter soaked tragedy,
Rawking is a city of new begginings, of renevation and tourist traps but for every miracle given there is a tragedy
Rawking is a city soaked in history,
Rifts are the gateways to the Veyther, they can appear invisibly or in there more powerful forms visibly. All doorways lead to somewhere in the Veyther
The Veyther is a plain of existence layered on top and below of Rawking it's size is unknown at the moment although The Council wishes to change that.
Things and creatures from the Veyther or who share the same energy source as the Veyther
In the world of Rend. there are entities that can make contracts and 'mark' a character as someone that has their protection or has a partnership of sorts.
So many characters it all really depends on the stories as the entire world as is has over 20 characters! The best way to learn about characters is looking at the character info page which is divided up by there stories for easy (read: easier) access.
Rend currently has two stories in progress one following Phantasm and the other following a fisherwoman named Mads and the lengths she goes to keep her family alive and well.