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Final Fantasy X



Final Fantasy 10 has to have been the game for me growing up along side FF7, Jak and Daxter: Precursor Legacy and Silent Hill: Origins. At any mention of really any of these games I am pushing the urge to cry down. I am an emotional person, a very emotional person, feelings are tidal waves when they shoul dbe droplets so it wasn't really a suprise when a friend bought me the steam copy of Final Fantasy 10 HD Remaster I was crying.

The game doesn't feel the same and I just want to go over that quickly. In the remaster I do not enjoy the new models or the fact there is only one model. In the original there was two models for every character, one low quality one for you to run around in and the other for cutscenes that have more details and facial expressions.

So even though the HD remaster models are well HD remastered I still think they suck compared to the original graphics and then there is the problem of I have to play this game with a keyboard. I don't have a controller to play it on and that really upset me just because I played this on the PS2 and really suck at PC gaming in general but it's all I have now.

Now I don't want to talk about the downsides the entire time so I'll get on with well how it's like playing it for the first time since I was a kid, I couldn't remember any of the plot or the cutscenes most of my memories are from the first couple hours and the opening cut scenes. This apparently is not a suprise as I found out from my mother I used to replay the intro a lot just to see Auron.

So I started playing and cried at the opening scene, my friend of mine always said that To Zanarkand was like my sisters and I's G note which is honestly very true.


When I was younger I desperatly wanted to be Tidus as much as I wanted to be Cloud from Final Fantasy VVI or Jak from jak and Daxter. Now I see that Tidus is kind of a twerp and I really should not have molded my personality to be so so much like him.

Don't get me wrong I love this silly kid and I still see myself in his actions it's just rah sometimes the second hand embarresment is real but I do love him for it, Tidus is kind and wont back down from what he believes is right and therefore tends to jump comclusions and go head first into danger.

The opening in Zanarkand always gets to and I think to this day I still try to replicate the aesthetics of this area.


"I thought about a lot of things, like... where I was, what I'd got myself into. I started to feel... light-headed, and then, sleepy. ...I think I had a dream—a dream of being alone. I wanted someone—anyone—beside me, so I didn't have to feel alone anymore." - Tidus's retrospective

I honestly don't remember being this heartbroken about this area or this scene but I was this game makes me feel so emoitonal... then I'm hit with a boss fight every 10 minutes. Ookay okay it's really funny but also I never have any potions like ever I feel like every battle I am just barely making it through the skin of my teeth.

I am going to jump around the story alot this is just me talking absolute bullshit because I played the game adn want to jump around in a conversation. At Kilika? the place with the jungle area and where Tidus realizes he wants to become a gaurdian?? Yeah when you come back down through the jungle and meet the fucking guy that falls asleep mid battle and heals themself? NIGHTMARE!!! I didn't die but also I had one potion and on pheonix down and I was struggling so much in that fight.

I don't know hwat else to say- NO I DO! What the fuck is blitzball I don't remember it being this bad, actually I remember being kind of okay at it, enough to actually win the first match. I want to blame the fact that I didn't ahve Jecht Shot as again keyboard instead of controller and I am not good at keyboard yet and I didn't want to save scum until I got it right and now I wish I did?

For context blitzball is a mini game inside FFX and you probably have to read through 20 minutes worth of tutorials before actually playing it (and doing the whole trying to find Auron and getting Yuna kidnapped while you weren't looking.) It is fustrating as all hell and I broke and asked for help but pretty much the info I got was don't pass over people and use Jecht Shot WHICH I DIDNT HAVE RAH>

I will not be going back 2ish hours to get Jecht Shot but I will be just playing Blitzball over and over and over again until I understand the game better, I tried not to save scum but I for the life of me cannot let Wakka lose this tournement or let Tidus you know star blitzball player back in Zanarkand (and 1000 years ago) lose this.

I think that is all for now but I will be back to update when I play more!!!
