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From The Rivers Mouth

I have seen many things
Terrible, awful, beautiful,

I have felt more than I've seen
I've bled long enough
To know a wound
Like second nature

I watched them build that bridge
I've watched them jump off that bridge
I've seen people crown around my banks
Grasping for a body gone cold
I've felt them drown in me

Most stay with me
Flow with me
Wash out to sea with me

To be caught into a net and into the shore
My sediment in their throat
My water in their lungs
As it is when a person becomes a river

Balancing Act

I cut my feet on this balancing act
Red rivers flow towards the audience
Cups outstretched
To catch a drop or two
A needed drink
To wash me down
What's a show without food?

Voyuer House

My house is a voyeur,
There is no curtains on the windows,
The blinds do not shut,
I can see for miles across the entire valley.
The valley stares back,
My house is a voyuer,

With it's cameras eyes wide and unblinking,
Watching every corner without negligence,
My house, this dead thing, sits and awaits,
On its black tarmac and concrete,
A heatwave turned domestic,
Licking up the walls and doorways,
Lapping up every inch of relief I could beg of it.

December / 04 / 2023 || 02:12 AM


The air is thick with heat.
In the distant fields we spot little lights rise and dance.
The ground cold beneath us,
the sky a darkening red.
My hand slips into yours,
Tonight will be our forever.

September / 10 / 2023 || 4:25 PM